Admission to Horizon High School
Students must WANT to be part of Horizon High School and agree to the school’s rules and expectations. No student will be accepted if the student is being coerced (by parents, guardian, court, etc).
While it is a best practice that students will have already been in some form of AODA/SUD treatment and/or AA/NA meetings, students who are committed to work on their substance use recovery will be considered on a case by case basis.
The new student must sign the Horizon High School Student Pledge and agree to its terms, including remaining alcohol and drug-free 24/7/365.
All students and parent/s or guardians must agree to random weekly or more often urine drug tests, to demonstrate the state of the student being free from drug and/or alcohol use.
The student agrees to immediately report any relapse to a member of the staff.
The student agrees, following a relapse, to follow the recommendations of the staff, to address the circumstances of the relapse.
Each applicant will be assessed as an individual with individual needs. If the student appears to meet the mission of HHS, the student will be considered for admission.
Students bringing drugs and alcohol to school property (including adjacent parking lot) are subject to immediate dismissal
A Complete Application Includes:
Initial student enrollment application
Upon invitation to interview, please complete this application
Upon acceptance, please compete these release forms and Joinery Releases
• Student transcript(s) from any high school attended
• Behavioral records from previous schools or agencies
• Treatment records (if appropriate)
• IEP/504 Plan (if appropriate)